Window-Cleaning Tips For A Eco-Friendly, Streak-Free Look
From enhancing your curb appeal to preventing mold and decay, cleaning your windows periodically is an essential part of maintaining your home. Unfortunately, most homeowners do not have the knowledge or tools needed to remove dirt, dust, bird droppings, dead insects, cobwebs, and mold growth in an effective and eco-friendly manner. With these tips, you can clean and enhance your windows without the use of toxic chemicals that could harm your health and the environment.
Most of the glass cleaners sold in stores contain ammonia, which is effective for removing residue from mirrors and windows. However, exposure to an excessive amount of ammonia can harm your skin and respiratory system. Fortunately, you can clean and shine your windows without using this toxic chemical.
In a spray bottle, combine the following:
- 3 cups of warm water
- 2 cups of white vinegar
Shake the bottle to mix before spraying the solution on the glass. Allow the vinegar solution to sit and soak the glass for a few minutes before wiping it off with a few paper towels.
To reduce the amount of paper you use while still cleaning your windows, consider using a squeegee tool to remove leftover moisture from the glass.
After spraying the windows with your vinegar solution, run the rubber blade of your squeegee tool down the glass panes in one swipe. Use a clean towel to wipe off and dry the rubber squeegee blade after each swipe.
Repeat the cleaning and squeegee process until each window is clean and dry.
Using newspapers is also an eco-friendly option for cleaning your home's windows without creating streaks across the glass. Make sure to use newspapers with soy- or petroleum-based ink. In most cases, the newspaper will have a seal on the front, advertising that it uses either soy or petroleum ink. This ink will not stain, smear, or streak your hands, window frames, or glass.
After spraying the vinegar solution onto your windows, ball up a few sheets of newspaper. Use the newspapers to wash the vinegar across the glass, removing dirt and other residue without dangerous chemicals.
Using old newspapers is also a great option for reducing debris in your local landfill and recycling centers.
Cleaning your windows may seem like a stressful chore, but it is important for your home's look, value, and function. With these simple solutions, you can effectively and efficiently clean your windows while protecting your health and the environment. For professional assistance with cleaning your windows, contact a company like All Kleen.